Working alone in this "game" was quite challanging. What originally started as a ONI inspired game had to change to a more idle clicker like game due to time contrainst. That said, sadly I wasnt able to acomodate the time with my work life to get a desirable result. Nevertheless I'm uploading this in hopes of being able to continue this project in the future and as to serve as a source of inspiration.

How it was supposed to be played:

The player should have to manage the workers it had to get the diferent resources at its disposal. (not finished)
Periodically, an extra worker would spawn, an increase the unkeep cost to keep the colony alive (water). (not implemented)
At night, aliens would attack the central dome, forcing the player to get the workers inside. (not implemented)

The second panel was create to add aditional resource nodes. (not finished)

I write this mostly to myself, to remember what to implement in the future.

Thanks for playing :)

Published 27 days ago
Made withGodot

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